What is the Bollo Natural Fruit Ethical Channel?
From Bollo Natural Fruit (hereinafter, BNF) we are firmly committed to the ethical culture and legal compliance, and therefore, to reinforce the communication of possible crimes, administrative infractions or breaches of the Code of Ethics, we make the Channel available to people Organization Ethics.
The purpose of this Policy is to define the criteria and principles that must govern the communications made, both by the workers of the Organization, and by those who have some type of professional relationship with it, in the terms provided by law, as well as as the management of all the information received through the channel.
This policy is prepared taking into consideration the following regulations and standards:
- Article 31 bis of the Spanish Penal Code,
- UNE 19601:2017, on Criminal Compliance Management Systems.
- EU Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council
- UNE-ISO 37002 Complaint channel management systems
- Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory and anti-corruption violations.
The communications made through this Ethical Channel will be treated and resolved in accordance with this Policy, always respecting confidentiality and guaranteeing the absence of retaliation to the caller.
The Ethical Channel is conceived as a means of communication so that all personnel can make safe, anticipated, and anonymous communications about non-compliance or irregularities in relation to the internal rules and policies applicable in the Organization.
Scope of the Ethics Alert Channel
Communications may be sent by all members of the Organization who have become aware of any fact that may constitute a crime/violation or breaches of the Code of Ethics and internal regulations (Policies, Protocols, etc.) as well as possible violations that have not materialized yet. , but that are likely to happen. The following may send communications:
All BNF employees, as well as third parties that, either on behalf of others or on their own, are linked to the Organization.
Responsible for all areas;
Shareholders and people belonging to the Board of Directors of the Organization (including non-executive members, as well as volunteers and workers in unpaid internships);
Business partners: customers, suppliers, internal collaborators, and other interested parties linked to the Organization.
This Ethical Channel Policy will be available and accessible to all members of our Organization for information purposes on the rights of the people who make use of the Ethical Channel and of the people involved in the reported facts, as well as the confidential treatment that we will make of the data
Any member of the Organization who is aware of the commission of a criminal offence, irregularity or non-compliance or of the risk of committing an irregularity or non-compliance with national and international regulations, the Code of Ethics, or the internal regulations of the Organization, must Mandatory reporting to the Compliance Committee. The knowledge of an irregularity or non-compliance and the lack of communication of the same may lead to disciplinary measures.